So stellen Sie das Gegengewicht ein – Angels Horn-Plattenspieler
1. Das mögliche Problem besteht darin, dass das Gewicht Ihres Gegengewichts falsch eingestellt ist. Daher hoffen wir, dass Sie versuchen können, das Gewicht des Gegengewichts anzupassen, um dieses Problem zu lösen. Hier ist der Link zum Installationsvideo ( Referenz .
Schritt 1:Entriegeln Sie den Tonarm, stellen Sie den Hebehebel in die obere Position und positionieren Sie dann den Tonabnehmer im Raum zwischen Tonarmauflage und Plattenteller.Stellen Sie den Tonarm-Hebehebel in die untere Position.
Schritt 2:Setzen Sie das Gegengewicht auf der Rückseite des Tonarms ein.Drehen Sie das Gegengewicht, um den Tonarm auszubalancieren.
Schritt 3:Stellen Sie den Tonarm-Hebehebel in die obere Position. Bringen Sie den Tonarm wieder in seine Halterung und verriegeln Sie ihn.
Halten Sie das Gegengewicht ruhig, drehen Sie einfach den Drehknopf, bis „0“ oben steht.
Drehen Sie das Gegengewicht eineinhalb Mal, um die empfohlenen 3,5 Gramm zu erreichen.
2.Setzen Sie den Anti-Rutsch-Block richtig ein.Setzen Sie den Anti-Rutsch-Block richtig ein. (Wenn Ihr Plattenspielermodell HP-H00501 ist, ignorieren Sie bitte diesen Schritt.): Befestigen Sie die Angelschnur des Anti-Skating-Gewichts an der dritten Rille des kleinen Stocks oben Der Tonarm.
Hängen Sie dann das Gewicht an den Standhaken.
Bezüglich der Einstellung des Gegengewichts und des Antirutschblocks:
Sie können sich zur Bedienung auf den Bedienungsvideo-Link beziehen und hoffen, Ihnen weiterzuhelfen.Ich freue mich auf Ihr Verständnis und Ihren Versuch,Bei Fragen können Sie uns gerne eine Nachricht hinterlassen.
Hello- I am missing the counter weights and anti sklaling weight for my Angels and horn record player with blue tooth speakers. They were not in the box. Can I order replacements? Thanks Jen
Andreas Sauder
Hi, I received thr HP-H002 for Christmas and I had a lot of problems with setting the antisklaling weight. In the course if tieing the line to the stub I made so many knots into the line that I can’t use it anymore. Would there be a chance of getting a replacement?
It would be really nice if you sent me a replacement und if you contacted me.
I've been collecting records and continuously upgrading my audio equipment since my elementary school days. I'm now approaching the ripe old age of 70. My wife and I wanted to give a Valentine's Day gift to our 7 year old granddaughter. My wife had the idea of giving her a Taylor Swift record album, since our granddaughter loves Taylor Swift. So, I said, well, although her parents have a record player she should have her own. So, I searched online for an all-in-one record player for her, something that contained the turntable, amplifier and speakers all in one unit, and at a starter price for a 7 year old. When I happened upon the Angels Horn site this unit fit the bill perfectly. I liked that it has a better cartridge than other units in this price range, an Audio Technica. Also liked that the cartridge could be removed and upgraded if desired. Nice, also, that it has outputs to upgrade to external speakers, and the sound quality for this price range is great. Real easy for her to operate too. Of course Papa gave her a tutorial on record care, along with a record cleaning and stylus cleaning brush. She loves it and has already received a second record album as a gift. Ah, the record collecting addiction begins anew with the youth!
George M.
The single best all in one Turntable / Bluetooth !!! Amazing build quality and sound., deep bass and very clear sound !!! This unit is very heavy, and that is what you want with a turntable. It was a little tricky learning how to adjust the handle arm, but once I did I HAVENT STOP USING IT !!! All Aluminum !!!! Sooooo worth the money !!!!
Very satisfied with product hooked up a set 3 way floor speakers sounds very good some bass output hooked up a cheap cd player and now have a compact good sounding system for the price you can’t beat it!!!
I bought this set as a gift for my 14-year-old son. He loves listening to his favorite singer using this turntable. It was quite easy to assemble and the sound is very good in my opinion.
Had a slick finish and is super heavy as a set in the box. A little detailed to set up but instructions are pretty good.
Pretty amazing sound with the blue tooth connecting to Apple Music.
Nice sound with my records too.
Something about the set seems a little incomplete but I think the sound and look is fantastic!
Hello- I am missing the counter weights and anti sklaling weight for my Angels and horn record player with blue tooth speakers. They were not in the box. Can I order replacements? Thanks Jen
Hi, I received thr HP-H002 for Christmas and I had a lot of problems with setting the antisklaling weight. In the course if tieing the line to the stub I made so many knots into the line that I can’t use it anymore. Would there be a chance of getting a replacement?
It would be really nice if you sent me a replacement und if you contacted me.
Thanks in advance.
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