2 Tables - Vinyl Record History Timeline and Interesting Points
The background of plastic documents is an essential phase of the song's experience. Maintain reviewing to discover just how plastic documents have transformed gradually!
Plastic documents have gone through several modifications throughout the years. Yet, despite exactly how they have advanced in time, documents have constantly been an essential part of songs' background.
Maintain reviewing to learn more about the various kinds of plastic documents, the background of plastic papers, and some fascinating realities regarding plastic records.
1857s - 1982s vinyl records timeline:
Era | A Brief Description |
1857 | – Léon Scott patented the Phonautograph invented by Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville. The Phonautograph was a device that could record sound and make a printout of the sound waves but could not play music; |
1877 | – Thomas Edison invented the Phonograph which could record AND play sound; |
1887 | – Emile Berliner patented the Gramophone which played a flat lateral cut phonograph disc; |
1894 | – 7 inch records were created; |
1901 | – 10 inch records were created; |
1903 | – 12 inch records were created; |
1925 | – The standard record recording speed was 78 rpm; |
1931 | – The first long-playing record, pressed on flexible plastic discs, introduced by RCA Victor (it was widely regarded as a failure); |
1948 | – Columbia Record Company introduced the first 12 inch LP 331⁄3 rpm microgroove record album; |
1949 | – RCA Victor introduced a 7 inch 45 rpm record with a hole in the center; |
1950s – 1960s | – Shellac 78 rpm records stopped being produced in favor of vinyl records; |
1962 | – The first cassette tape was invented by Phillips; |
1982 | – CDs (compact discs) became available to the public; |
5 interesting things about vinyl records:
Numbering | A Brief Description |
August 12th | There is a national day devoted to vinyl records called National Vinyl Record Day. It falls annually on August 12th; |
Like a broken record | The term “like a broken record” doesn’t actually refer to a broken record, it refers to a scratched record. When a record has a scratch, the needle can become stuck in that scratch, and play the same thing over and over, which is the true meaning of the phrase “like a broken record”; |
the most popular size | 12 inch records hold more music than 10 inch or 7 inch records, making them the most popular size for records today; |
Records come in many colors | The PVC or polyvinyl chloride used to make records can be dyed any color, so you can find records in all colors of the rainbow. There are even multi-colored and marbled records! In addition to colored records there are also picture discs, which are records with an image completely covering the playable space on a record; |
colored records VS picture discs | Record aficionados often agree that colored records and picture discs produce an inferior sound quality. I suggest taking a listen for yourself; |
Why do we celebrate National Vinyl Record Day?
Vinyl records are such a popular topic (both historically and today) that they even have their own national day! August 12th is National Vinyl Record Day and there are lots of reasons to celebrate it!
The three best Bluetooth record players for vinyl
"Simple", "Retro", and "Modern" One-three-in-one(3 in 1) turntable with the most fantastic sound under $300
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